Thursday, March 06, 2008



New York City

March, Friday 14th
"The women of Brukman" by Isaac Isitan
8PM. Blue Stockings Café. 172 Allen Street, Lower East Side of Manhattan

March, Sunday 16th
"OAXACA, El poder de la Comuna" by Contraimagen
7PM. Blue Stockings Café. 172 Allen Street, Lower East Side of Manhattan

SCREENING and debate with the presence of filmmakers from Contraimagen, Argentina.
Suggested 5 to 7$.


March, Sunday 30th
Parkway Theater, 4814 Chicago Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55417

1:30 PM: "The women of Brukman" by Isaac Isitan

3:00 PM: "OAXACA, El poder de la Comuna" by Contraimagen

$5 ticket required

For contact in the US:
Phone: 612 804 6307

You can help us. Donate. Thanks.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

movie trailer. 10 minutes. by Contraimagen


Monday, October 29, 2007


The Power of Oaxaca’s Commune

Oaxaca, El Poder de la Comuna

A new film by Contraimagen

Directed by Carlos Broun

Camera: Leo

Full length documentary filmed at Oaxaca, Mexico, during September 2006. HDV-DVCam.

Spanish w/ english subtitles. 60 minutes.

Check out the movie trailer at

In the memory of Brad Will.

Everyone has to know what happened. His murder must not be silenced.

Brad got killed for a cause, this film is a partial, yet crucial intention to explain what is happening in on the most poor state of southern Mexico, along with Chiapas.

"The crowd found it eye-opening and inspirational. "The success of the people of Oaxaca taking over radio and television was encouraging and exciting!", said one viewers.

Jill Dreier - Co-Organizer - Visualized Film Festival

“The film documentary is a brilliant visual narrative describing the uprising and popular assembly that emerged from the teachers struggle in the city of Oaxaca, Mexico between may-November 2006. The story is told by the activists and militants involved. Provides a close-up understanding of the meaning and passion of working peoples struggle

I highly recommend the film for libraries, universities and all citizens interested in social justice.

James Petras, October 12th, 2007

Sunday, November 19, 2006


10 minutes movie trailer by Contraimagen

link to video: